Causes and Treatment of Knee Pain

Many people complain that they suffer from knee pain. Unpleasant sensations may occur intermittently after overloading and daily wear and tear. There are often injuries - they can be acquired during sports, in everyday life.

Causes of knee pain

knee pain

The bones in the knee joint are covered with cartilage, which acts as a shock absorber. It provides a sliding surface and cushions impacts. Pain occurs due to damage to various structures in the knee joint.

Patients may not only suffer from pain on the medial or lateral side of the knee, but may also be disturbed by joint stiffness and reduced mobility. When the knee is bent, lateral movement is defective and it is impossible to fully flex the leg. External changes may be present: swelling and redness.

Knee pain and swelling can be caused by:

  • injury and damage;
  • dislocation, sprain;
  • Intervertebral disc and ligament rupture;
  • Knee fracture.

If there is an injury, it can be difficult to diagnose on your own. When the pain does not go away and there are external changes, you should definitely see your doctor.

The cause of the pain may be overloading. Injuries are caused by repetitive motion, prolonged pressure on the knee, physical activity.

Swelling and discomfort may occur after exercise, cycling, jumping, and brisk walking.

Knee pain may be caused by rebooting while walking for the following reasons:

  • Inflammation of the fluid bag;
  • tendon rupture or inflammation;
  • formation and thickening of ligament folds;
  • Inflammation or irritation of fibrous tissue from the outside.

Causes of knee pain can be more serious:

  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Osgood splash disease;
  • Baker's cyst;
  • subcutaneous infection;
  • tense nerves;
  • osteochondritis.

Treating the Knee with Folk Remedies

Folk remedies will help reduce swelling and reduce discomfort. Effectively removes salt from bay leaves from the body. Pour 25-30 leaves in boiling water (400ml) and boil for 5 minutes. Infuse for a few hours, strain and sip. The entire roll must be consumed within 12 hours.

Treatment lasts 3 days. After that you need to take a week off and repeat the course again. Before taking the decoction, you should cleanse your intestines, otherwise allergic release may occur.

When the salt begins to actively dissolve, the amount of urine urinated increases. Several such treatments are necessary each year.

For knee pain, there is another effective and delicious folk remedy - aspic. It restores cartilage tissue and synovial fluid, slowing the development of arthropathy. Aspic contains high amounts of collagen and protein, which are necessary for maintaining the integrity of bones, ligaments and cartilage - a connective material. For the treatment, any dish with gelatin is suitable. It helps restore the musculoskeletal system and prevents joint deformation.

The trace elements and vitamins present in jelly strengthen ligaments and maintain muscle tone. To prepare this dish, you can use pork or beef, chicken, turkey. Cover the meat with water and cook over low heat for a few hours until the broth starts to stick to your fingers. Do not add water during cooking.

At the end of cooking, the broth needs to be peppered to taste, and garlic can be added. Drain the liquid, break apart the meat, divide into portions, and pour into the broth. Containers should be refrigerated until firm. To be effective, the dish must be eaten at least once a day for a month.

Another source of collagen and protein is chicken cartilage. To supplement these substances, add boiled or stewed cartilage to your daily menu.

There are several ways to relieve pain and swelling:

  • Grind a tablespoon of cartilage and drink orange juice on an empty stomach;
  • Cook the cartilage until completely soft. Add bay leaves and peppercorns to the broth. Take 50-70ml per day, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • Boil claws and eat two or three things on an empty stomach, be sure to drink lemonade.

sunflower treatment for knee joint

When used properly, sunflower root can effectively remove salt build-up in your joints. It's especially useful for those who spend a lot of time sitting in a sitting position. The roots destroy all insoluble compounds, agglomerate and remove them from the body.

Grind 100 grams of sunflower root in a blender or meat grinder, add water (1 liter), and boil for 10 minutes. Cool, filter and drink water to quench your thirst.

Treatment of knee joint "Golden Beard"

Scientifically, this plant is called a fragrant callus. It is not only used for knee pain, but also for cardiovascular disease. To make the cartilage repair process faster, you need to combine it with other means with similar effects. You can bring a wild ponytail.

Mix the juice from the plant with any animal fat-based cream. The ratio is 3: 1. The composition must be rubbed into problem areas or used as a dressing.

The pain can be relieved by applying a tincture of "Golden Beard". Moisten gauze and place it over the joint and secure it with a bandage. It can be removed after half an hour.

Treatment of knee joint "lecithin"

It removes excess cholesterol from the body and strengthens the walls of blood vessels and nerve tissue. The composition includes acetylcholine - a substance that ensures the transmission of nerve impulses.

One tablespoon of water daily. The treatment period is one month. For enhanced effects, "lecithin" should be eaten with eggshells - it is a source of calcium. It also contains useful trace elements such as manganese, sulfur, iron, and copper.

Eggs must be thoroughly washed and immersed in boiling water before shelling. It needs to be crushed and added to dishes afterwards. During an acute attack, the dose should be 8 grams, and after an acute attack, 4-5 grams should be taken daily for two weeks.

knee pain recipes

Pour rye kernels (250 g) into water (2 liters) and boil for a few minutes. Add honey (kg), vodka (500ml), barberry root (3 tsp). Mix everything well and leave in a dark place for three weeks. Take three tablespoons before meals.

If the joints are sore, tincture of five leaf clover helps to eliminate swelling and discomfort. It is necessary to rub the joints several times a day, make lotions. It can be combined with boron uterine infusion. In the acute phase of the disease, it must be taken with a teaspoon before meals.

Grate one kilogram of horseradish, pour in water (4 liters), boil for 5 minutes, and after the product has cooled, add honey to taste. Drink one cup a day for a month.

In your daily diet, you need to include calcined cheese. To prepare it, you will need potassium chloride and milk.

Heat half a liter of milk to a temperature of 50-60 degrees and pour in a tablespoon and a half of calcium. After the product has solidified, remove the pot from the heat, transfer the material to a sieve, and cover with gauze. In the morning, tofu is ready to eat.

Add 250 grams of pre-chopped horse chestnut to a bottle of vodka. Leave for 14 days, shake every day.

Sore spots should be rubbed at night.

Exercises and gymnastics to relieve knee pain are prescribed by doctors. It takes into account the nature and cause of the damage and distributes the load according to its metrics. Wrongly chosen exercises can exacerbate the situation.

If the discomfort is very strong, there is tension inside, swelling, redness, then the treatment of knee pain can only be prescribed by a specialist after the examination.